For Business Customers
AcquirePay helps businesses like yours get paid quicker. Fact.
Whatever line of business you’re in, if you have customers who regularly pay you retainers, deposits or subscriptions, then AcquirePay is for you. We’ve built a system to help you streamline your collection process and take the hassle out of receiving regular payments from your customers.
To give you an example, in June 2015 mail forwarding business myUKmail.com used AcquirePay to collect 748 invoices (a task that’d usually take several days). Using our software they collected 98.7% of the money in under than 2 minutes. Pretty impressive huh?
AcquirePay works particularly well in these industries:
- Lawyers
- Accountants
- Call Centres
- Charities, Communities & Societies
- Professional Services
- Agencies
Want to know more about using AcquirePay in your business? Speak to one of our team now.
FAQs for Business
How well protected are my customer’s details?
Very. All payment details are kept on highly secure 3rd party servers in a tokenised format. This means they can only be used to pay your company money via AcquirePay. To anyone else, the tokens are useless.
Isn’t this just a payment aggregator?
No. AcquirePay is the world’s first tokenised automated payment system. It directly controls the ongoing relationship between your invoices and your customer’s preferred payment method.
What sort of business is this for?
AcquirePay can be used anywhere there is an ongoing financial relationship between a business and a customer e.g. Solicitors, Accountants and Agencies.
Do I need a credit check to run this?
Yes. To use AcquirePay your business will need its own merchant agreement. During the merchant agreement process your business will be credit checked.
What payment methods does AcquirePay accept?
Currently we accept American Express, Barclaycard, Paypal, Direct Debit and Worldpay. Need a different payment method? Let us know.
How much is AcquirePay?
See our pricing here

(From 2016)

(From 2016)